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OV2 online editor and creator for POIs of TomTom

OV2 Editor for POIs of TomTom Garmin NavMan edit create convert 'OV2toCSV' 'CSVtoOV2' 'OV22CSV' 'CSV2OV2' 'OV2 to CSV' 'CSV to OV2' 'OV2 2 CSV' 'CSV 2 OV2' 'OVI/POI'


Language: deutsch | nederlands | english   

With this online OV2 editor you can create POIs ('Points of Interest') for navigation devices of the TomTom series in turn.
Import an address book in one go. Coordinates can be added after the upload in the editor.
The coordinates of an address are queried with a click on Google Maps and entered into the form.

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OV2 Files

Upload the files from your TomTom device to edit them.

KML Files

The 'Keyhole Markup Language' is a XML format and is used for example by Google Earth.

CSV Files

CSV files as used by Garmin and NavMan are text files in which each line is a record and the values are separated by commas.
Here is an example of a CSV file: 'tankstellen.csv'
6.0817779,51.0938860,"ARAL Roermonder Str. 41, 52525 Heinsberg"
6.1075200,51.0304200,"ESSO Janses Mattes 3, 52525 Heinsberg"
6.1130942,51.0658199,"Freie Tankstelle Borsigstraße 42, 52525 Heinsberg"
6.0704800,51.1036600,"ESSO Roermonder Str. 152, 52525 Heinsberg"
6.2172390,51.0527860,"ARAL Roermonder Str. 18, 41836 Hückelhoven"
6.2250796,51.0492726,"JET Jülicher Str. 12, 41836 Hückelhoven"

TXT Files

If you only have addresses, you can copy them into a TXT file and upload them.
The coordinates can then be added in the editor.
Here is an example of a .txt file: 'tankstellen.txt'
ARAL Roermonder Str. 41, 52525 Heinsberg
ESSO Janses Mattes 3, 52525 Heinsberg
Freie Tankstelle Borsigstraße 42, 52525 Heinsberg
ESSO Roermonder Str. 152, 52525 Heinsberg
ARAL Roermonder Str. 18, 41836 Hückelhoven
JET Jülicher Str. 12, 41836 Hückelhoven


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